Cincinnati here we come!

We are leaving in three weeks! Ah! We found cheap tickets and decided that I would fly with the girls, hooray. Eric's mom is also gracious enough to come with to help out. It's such a relief.

Here's an update and video of Maya's army crawl. She is determined.


Anonymous said...

I can't believe how big she is already! Have fun in Cincinnati!

Marissa said...

So is Cincinnati official for the move or are you just checking it out! I don't have eric's blog so I haven't heard! Have fun and we miss you!

Eric and Jessi said...

Moving there! In 2 weeks, hooray!

Jessica said...

You will be missed! Good luck with grad. school. Maybe Cin city won't be so bad...

Amber said...

Good luck with your move. We are in Bloomington, IN now for grad school, which is only about 3 hours from Cincinnati (I think?). I was dreading coming here, but so far it has been awesome! I hope that you guys like Cincinnati.