
I got a camera! I took about a million pictures in the last 2 days. Of nothing really, just the girls and things around the apartment. It's amazing. Just like a lot of people I've always been interested in photography. Now with Noggins I had a really good excuse to take the plunge. Believe it or not getting good photos was the most frustrating part of my Etsy listings. I've been saving my Noggins money from this past fall and winter and it took me about 5 trips to the camera store to actually purchase one.

I've learned so many things about aperture and shutter speed. Love it. I needed a project to get me through the next 4 1/2 months (of Eric's grad school and living far away). This has been the perfect thing. Now I'm learning about editing photos. I learned a little before with my point and shoot. Eric and I have vastly different ideas of what looks better. I need some feedback. Is it just personal preference or is there some photography rules out there?

Same photo, different brightness. Which one do you all like better?

I'm loving my little 35mm lens and am very glad I decided to go with it.


Unknown said...

Okay there is another element to consider too. White balance... I digress for now.

I love the second ones. The contrast is better and the colors become richer. the first one Maya looks almost pale, but the second makes her look like she has a tan.
This is where white balance comes in and you can adjust teh contrast so it is a little lighter and then the white balance to give her rosy cheeks. Oh and turn off the auto settings! At least use P, but get to M and change the aperture to 2.0 and you will then really fall in love with that lens!

Jessica said...

I always like brighter pictures. But I am a light addict. When we finally own a house hopefully it will have LARGE windows in every room. I love sunlight! I want a really nice camera too, when I get around to affording one I am totally going to pick your brain. Be prepared :)

marissa | Rae Gun Ramblings said...

I"m so jealous, I'm drawn to the second one's too

erin said...

ok - which camera did you go with?!?! i want one! i would love to be able to caputre the things i miss because our camera is slow, or whatever ...

i love the lighter ones, but love the skin tone in the second ones ... maybe you could combine them???