Blogging to avoid cleaning

I really don't want to clean up the house. The thought of bending over just isn't appealing (or even possible :) at this point. I had my appointment today and found out the baby doesn't have as much amniotic fluid as it's suppose to have. This means I have to start going in for non-stress tests every few days. The upside is that there is now the possibility of having the baby early. I'm 37 weeks so it's not too early, plus I have decided this must be a 9 pounder. I'm gigantic. Although I was the same all belly out front with Penelope and she was only 7 lb 1 oz. Guess we'll have to wait and see.

And a cute Noggins photo just for kicks. (No, not my baby)


Becca said...

Aw, that stinks! I hope it goes okay.
And so much for the nesting instinct? Or does discomfort just trump it? :)
You should post another belly picture!

Mrs. Olsen said...

You should post another belly picture! Good call, Becca. I was gonna say, though, that I saw that pic in your shop today and it's SO cute! Also, good luck with the baby!

erin said...

i was just checking in to see how you were doing. i wish i had a good reason not to clean my house - i just do not want to. i am flat tired. i hope this little gal sleeps well for you (soon!!!) keep us posted. toodles!