Penelope was so excited about her pirate costume. I made the skirt (elastic waist and just cut the bottom), bought a too large shirt from Thrift Town, and some $2 fabric red and white fabric for the bandanna and sash. Easiest costume ever. Total cost = about $7.00!
We started off Halloween night by going to Tracy Aviary for their $1 Halloween event.
After dinner we did some trick-or-treating around the neighborhood. There were TONS of kids out and we had a great time stopping by our friends houses.
We even got scones and played a little Rock Band at one house! Hope everyone else had a great time as well. Happy Halloween.
Be sure to check Eric's blog after the weekend because I have a feeling there may be something involving underwear and a mask at the cross race tomorrow...
Her costume turned out great!
Super cute and very creative!
awe she looks so so cute
I am very impressed with your $7 costume; it looks so cute!
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